Exceptional Web Design

We’ve got over 20 years of experience in digital marketing, and that’s what we bring to the table with every website design we create. Our goal is to make your website look great on mobile devices, super easy to use, and optimized for search engines. This means that once people find your site, they’re more likely to stick around and get to know your company. Trust us, your competitors won’t be able to keep up with the amazing website we’ll build for you. And hey, just so you know, our experts handle all of the web design work – we don’t outsource it overseas!

Example of web design by 1-FIND
Beautiful and Responsive Web Design
SEO-ready web design
Fast-loading and Easty to Navigate
We loved Casey’s work of setting up our website with a friendly welcome, giving all the information we needed for informing the general public of who we are, posting all our messages and videos in a very convenient way for anyone to find and watch, and making it easy for people to contact us. Thank you Casey!!
Noborito Ekklesia
Christine Huber
Noborito Ekklesia

Our web design service is all about customizing every aspect to fit your unique needs and goals. We handle everything in-house, so you can trust that we’ll pay attention to every little detail and deliver the highest quality work. Your website won’t just look great and be easy to use – it’ll also be super speedy and perform like a champ on any device. In today’s fast-paced digital world, that’s key. People want info and services at their fingertips, and we’ll make sure your site delivers.

But we don’t stop there! Our digital marketing experts will cook up a killer strategy to drive traffic to your website. We’re up to date with all the latest SEO techniques and trends, so we’ll make sure your business stands out, attracts new customers, and grows those sales and revenue numbers.

We get it – businesses change and evolve. That’s why we offer ongoing support and maintenance. We’ll be here to help you add new features, update content, and make any adjustments you need to keep up with the ever-changing market. You can count on us to have your back every step of the way.

Responsive design

Responsive Design

Our responsive web design service offers cutting-edge solutions to ensure that your website looks stunning and functions flawlessly across all devices and screen sizes.


SEO Readiness

Our SEO-ready web design service focuses on creating websites that are optimized for search engines, ensuring maximum visibility and organic traffic for your business.

What We Can Do For You

When it comes to website design for small businesses, we’ve got you covered with our comprehensive services. Here’s what you can expect:

  • We’ll create a website that’s mobile-friendly, user-friendly, and SEO-friendly. That means it’ll rank well on search engines and grab the attention of visitors.
  • Our team handles everything in-house, so you can trust that we maintain the highest quality standards. No outsourcing here!
  • Speed and performance are crucial, so we’ll optimize your website to load lightning-fast on any device. No more waiting around for pages to load.
  • We’ll develop a targeted digital marketing strategy to drive traffic to your website and attract new customers. Let’s get your business noticed!

So, if you’re ready for a top-notch web design experience in Johnson City, look no further. We’ve got all the bases covered to help your business succeed online.

Speed is Key

Johnson City web design
Web design in Johnson City, TN
Website Speed Test for Johnson City web design
423 Clean website performance

Did you know that up to 53% of visitors will leave a website if they have to wait more than 3 seconds? That’s a lot of lost customers! Don’t let a slow-loading website be the reason your business doesn’t grow!

In this fast-paced digital age, website performance can make or break a business’s success. The importance of having a speedy, accessible, and user-friendly website cannot be overstated. With over half of potential customers clicking away if they have to wait a mere three seconds, it’s crucial to optimize your website for the best possible user experience.

Here’s how we ensure your page loads fast:

1. Image optimization: Large, high-resolution images can considerably slow down your website’s loading time. Compress and resize your images to ensure they don’t hinder your website’s performance.

2. Code minification: Minifying your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code can help reduce file sizes and speed up the loading time of your website.

3. Caching: Caching allows your website to store static files, like images and stylesheets, so they don’t have to be downloaded every time a user visits your site. This can greatly improve your website’s loading time.

4. Content delivery network (CDN): A CDN is a network of servers located in various regions around the world, which caches and delivers your website’s content to users based on their location.

Web Design Pricing

5-page template-based site
Starting from$950
  • WordPress
  • SEO-friendly
  • Mobile responsive
  • Additional pages @ $250 each
  • Professionally written content for an additional $200

Web Hosting / Maintenance Pricing

/ month
  • 30 GB of space
  • Unlimited WordPress installs
  • 600 GB data transfer
  • Unlimited email inboxes
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Free CDN
  • Free domain (.com, .org, .net, .info, .pro, or .xyz)
  • Automated backups
  • Free migration
  • 1 hour of updates/maintenance per month (including WordPress security updates; additional work @ $50/hr)

1-FIND goes above and beyond.

Here’s what sets us apart:

We provide SSL website hosting to ensure your site is secure and up-to-date. Your visitors can browse with confidence, knowing their information is protected.

Speed is key in today’s digital world, so we’ll make sure your site loads lightning-fast. A fast-loading website means happy visitors and a great user experience.

We understand that your brand is unique, so we offer various customizable designs. We’ll work closely with you to create a website that reflects your brand identity while engaging your visitors. It’s a win-win!

Collaboration is at the heart of what we do. Our web design team will listen to your needs and requirements, presenting you with design options and revising until we nail down the perfect look and feel for your site.

Rest assured, we’re with you every step of the way. We value your input and will work closely with you to build the optimal website that meets your needs. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

So, if you’re looking for a web design service that takes security, speed, customization, and collaboration seriously, look no further. We’re here to create a stunning website that showcases your brand and captivates your audience. Let’s make it happen!

Frequently Asked Questions About Web Design

How important is having a website for my small business?

Having a website is super important for your small business! It's like your digital storefront that's open 24/7, allowing customers to find you online. It helps establish credibility, reach a wider audience, and showcase your products or services. Don't miss out on the online opportunities!

What platform do you use?

We design all sites in WordPress, which powers nearly half of all websites on the Internet.

What is your approach to creating a user-friendly and visually appealing website?

Our main goal is to create a website that not only looks amazing but also provides a great user experience. We focus on intuitive navigation, clean design, and eye-catching visuals to ensure your visitors have a memorable and enjoyable time on your site.

How long does it typically take to complete a web design project?

Ah, the million-dollar question! The time required for a project can vary depending on its complexity and the specific requirements. However, we're committed to delivering your shiny new website as efficiently as possible without compromising quality. We'll work closely with you to set realistic timelines and keep you updated throughout the process.

Can you assist with search engine optimization (SEO) to improve the website's visibility?

You bet! We understand the importance of SEO in driving organic traffic to your website. Our team incorporates SEO best practices into the design process, such as optimizing site structure, using relevant keywords, and creating search-engine-friendly content. We'll help your website shine in search engine rankings!

Will the website be mobile-friendly and responsive?

Absolutely! In this mobile-centric world, having a mobile-friendly website is a must. We design all our websites to be responsive, meaning they will adapt beautifully to different screen sizes and devices. Your visitors will enjoy a seamless browsing experience whether they're on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Can you help with content creation and copywriting for the website?

Absolutely! We understand that creating engaging content can be a challenge. Our talented team includes skilled copywriters who can help craft compelling content that resonates with your audience. From catchy headlines to informative product descriptions, we'll make sure your website content shines!

Do you offer any ongoing support or maintenance packages for the website after it's launched?

Yes, and if you sign up for web hosting, it will include an hour of updates every month.

Should I hire a professional web designer or an SEO expert for my small business?

If you want to create a stunning website and optimize it for search engines, it's often a good idea to seek professional help. A web designer can craft a visually appealing site that aligns with your brand, while an SEO expert can optimize it for better rankings. They bring expertise and save you time, allowing you to focus on running your business!